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Puffy The Magic Dragon

A room for people to relax that are like minded. Host of Everlasting Evolution Radio. Accepting of all Beliefs and Thoughts.

Room Owner: Abigail2013

Rating: R - Adult language permitted

English 0 0


Followers 7

Recent Reviews

  • 5/5

    a guy named JULIAN

    US M59 years old

    Pros: a good room and a great lady

    Cons: nothing

  • 4/5

    J-O justone

    US F65 years old

    Pros: Abigail is very gifted. She is intune with the spirit realm and is willing to extend a hand to her friends and all that come in the room. The order of the room is very important to hold balance.

    Cons: others that come in room raider they are called ...that all i can see that is wrong with this room ...

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