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Tamilnadu Nanbargal

Tamilnadu Nanbargal

Room Owner: wil_ls

Rating: G - General Audience, including minors

English 0 0


Followers 70

Recent Reviews

  • 5/5


    M89 years old

    Pros: Lot of pros.. One main pro is not allowing strangers. Every one is known to each other :-D. As a result could be seen as a family.

    Cons: Miss u wills mams.. be back soon..

  • 1/5

    Pros: Nothing positive full of rotten people.All alpha guys will be banned for stupid reasons.The females will be given admin rights and will be advised not to visit other rooms.Full of insane morons.

    Cons: All the admins are mentally retarded. The owner is an idiot. This room should be shut down by red admins.

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Followers 70

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