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What makes religion toxic

No preaching, no mic dominating. This is a room for DIALOGUE. Express yourself safely. No insults, condemnation or attacks

Room Owner: CharlieC

Rating: R - Adult language permitted

English 0 0


Followers 27

Recent Reviews

  • 5/5


    CA M40 years old

    Pros: Uplifting and free of stress.perfection in a spiritual room


  • 5/5

    Pros: This group is friendly, and genuine. They actually CARE about each other, and take the time to keep up with each other's well-being. It is newbie friendly, and mega-tolerant. It's aim is NOT to bounce as long, and as less, as it has to.

    Cons: Poor Chuckles is getting old... Send all donations to the "Keep Shirley on Chuckles' Toes Campaign" - preferably in unmarked bills - to the "Free Chille With Every Taco" fund. It keeps Chuckles regular...

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Followers 27

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