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The Spotted Pony Lodge

Welcome to Paltalk

Room Owner: Spirithawk1940

Rating: R - Adult language permitted

English 0 0


Followers 121

Recent Reviews

  • 4/5

    aussie woman

    AU F78 years old

    Pros: this group are fantastic & the room is a happy one /we dont put up with bigots /the room is respectable /im happy im in this family group group an

    Cons: this is a great room /theres no bad in spotted pony lodge its an awsome /otheres try to bring it down its not going to happen

  • 5/5

    Pros: a great room filled with laughter and respectful people and even understanding of disrespectful people whom don't know the right path

    Cons: too many make believe people show up or try and ruin the room or fun times of the good people in room

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Followers 121

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