See Nikki & Matt Renew their vows on Paltalk, February 14th at 2pm

Here's their story:

Well I .. met my husband .. on paltalk in 2004, he lived in Tulsa Oklahoma, and i lived in Pittsburgh, Pa... i started flirting with him to annoy the other girls in the room and he made me laugh. we ended up talking in text all nite that nite and the next nite we started talking on the phone. he flew us both to new york city for our first date and we stayed at the bryant park and roses at the airport...omg i was NEVER so in love!!! we had a fabulous time! we did break up a couple months later because of the long distance thing etc etc...but then a few months after we broke up and hadn't spoke at all we randomly ran into each other in a political chat room and we started talking again and i moved to tulsa within a month or so after we started talking again in 2005 and we got married in las vegas 11-29-08, my maid of honor was my best friend.. who i met on paltalk and the best man was one of my best friends.. from paltalk...everyone that came to my wedding was from paltalk!! another friend from pal gave me away..and another one dressed me for the wedding..!! we thought having paltalk people at our wedding was fitting considering what an important role it played in our lives! our wedding was one of the best days of our lives outside of that first weekend together in NYC! i would do anything to spend another weekend in NYC with my husband...where we touched and kissed for the first time in person...;)

Runners Up

  • Andrea & Shawn

    "My husband and I met on Paltalk in "Patricks Party Pub" the summer of 2008. He was in the United States Air Force stationed in DC and I lived in Florida. We dated for a few months before I flew up there to see him...On March 7 2010, I delivered our beautiful daughter Savannah. ..we will be married for 2 years this friday & our daughter is almost 11 months old. If it wasn't for Paltalk, I would have never met the love of my life."

  • Beverly & Michael

    "Michael and I met 2004. ..We talked for hours. I fell in love with his New York accent. A few months later we decided to meet..Our first weekend was the best. ..He proposed that coming December and married in October 2005. We have been Married for 5 years now. We have a beautiful daughter Isabella now. We are more in love now than ever thanks to Paltalk. Michael is my forever Valentine!!!!"

  • Clara & Todd:

    "When I joined Paltalk in 2002 I spent most of my time in Spanish rooms and did not know how to speak English at all. . In a way I learned how to type and communicate in English thanks to Paltalk. My life changed when I met Todd.. I spent 7 years in Paltalk, and had met many wonderful people and had made many friends, but still had not found my one and only. I had no idea what wonderful things life had to offer until I met Todd...I still remember our first date, as if it was yesterday, when I said to myself, "One day, I am going to be here living with him." Dreams do come true. God bless Paltalk!!!"

  • Kurtis & DeOpera

    "Our relationship flourished into a marriage that occurred on September 20,2010 YES we jumped the broom and I couldn't be more happy. After dating and living together for approximately 9 years its official we are as one. And I'd have to say I owe it all to Paltalk for making it possible for us to meet. I would have never met him had it not been for Paltalk."