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0o0 International Music Club 0o0

welcome all to music room

Room Owner: II DJ STARS II

Rating: G - General Audience, including minors

English 0 0


Followers 5

Recent Reviews

  • 1/5

    Ms gol


    Pros: so bad room , bad owner , owner is bad friend , he only use you as slave admin then he will kick ur butt when he is done using you as ADMIN in an Empt

    Cons: bad bad bad , everything bad , owner only thinks about making the room bigger but he doesnt act like human with admins and roomies , he use them as sl

  • 1/5

    Pros: nothing good here abuse of admin power only bouncing and banning people for no reason at all I would advise never go to this room Dj KIng Dick

    Cons: owner favouritizes other Arabic people as admins than guest users absolutelty disgusting from a room owner to judge and favouritise

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Followers 5

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