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warm glow

Hi all , this room is dedicated to fellow widowers , but all pal members are wc. Please respect each other. Enjoy chat and music

Room Owner: Toni_45

Rating: R - Adult language permitted

English 0 0


Followers 16

Recent Reviews

  • 5/5


    GB F64 years old

    Pros: My admins are all great people who do not tolerate nonsense, so making it a nice room for people. We make everyone welcome and when I am not about I know my room is well taken care of.

    Cons: Brutus hmmm pornography and bad mouthing people will get you nowhere! You are banned !

  • 1/5


    AU M57 years old

    Pros: They were welcoming. It was fake and by rote, but they were welcoming.

    Cons: Weird room. Got pressured into playing music, then got bounced for playing a funky song and saying the word "funkaaay". They outta relax or they'll just remain the tiny clique that they are.

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Followers 16

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