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Social Justice Warriors and Feminists United

God is the Ultimate Being, it essentially and necessarily comprises all modes of perfection, including necessary existence.

Room Owner: Dk-man7

Rating: R - Adult language permitted

English 0 0


Followers 27

Recent Reviews

  • 1/5

    Pros: Nothing at all. Beware Trolls reside here.

    Cons: This room is used for cliques to troll newbies.

  • 1/5

    Pros: Dk-man7 is a flamer and supreme troll who targets people to feel better about he's low self esteem. He is ruthless in he's personal attacks

    Cons: Dk-man7 should never host a room. He has mental health issues which lead him to attack, abuse and include others in cybermobing.

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Followers 27

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